Why will we succeed where others have failed?

If there is a company to achieve this goal, it is Pyrexar Medical. We have the equipment, advanced technology, and clinical expertise to attack this disease head-on.


RF Phased Array

Originally developed for military applications, the annular phased array concept is discovered and developed used to focus and steer Non-Ionizing Radiation into the body

BSD-500 Released

The BSD-500 Superficial Interstitial Hyperthermia system is designed to treat cancer tumors incorporating microwave phased array technology

FDA Approved

The BSD-500 is FDA approved to treat tumors in the body

CE mark

Products certified for sale in Europe on the CE mark

BSD-2000 Released

The BSD-2000 is developed for deep phased-array electronic control of phase and power amplitude controls including numerical modeling for steering controls and planning.

3D Electronic Steering

Development of SigmaEye 24 dipole phased array providing 3D electronic steering of phase and power amplitude

Treatment Planning Software

Development of SigmaHyperPlan for phased array numerical pretreatment planning and guidance of steering parameter selection

Non-Invasive Imaging

First commercial integration of the BSD-2000-3D/MR with a 0.2T MR non-invasive temperature imaging.

Real Time Temperature Monitoring

MRI timelineFirst commercial integration of the BSD-2000-3D/MR with a 1.5T MRI and Sigma Vision Advanced software allowing real-time monitoring of temperature during treatment.

FDA HDE Approved

BSD-2000 receives HDE FDA clearance for commercial sales and use in the U.S.

Control Software Update

System update to provide simplified touchscreen control of the system

New Head Applicator Designed

A new applicator was designed to place antenna array in the correct attitude around the brain
Feb 2018

Multi-Physics Simulation

Computer modeling used to determine the antenna configuration to provide optimal energy focus within the brain.
June 2018

ESHO and STM Presentation

Presented our brain phased array development and results to the European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology in Berlin and the Society of Thermal Medicine.
May 2018

MRI Phantom Testing of Brain Array

Prototype testing to validate computer simulations at The University Hospital Erlangen, Germany
November 2018

Design Updates

Optimization of antenna configuration and RF controls planned.
February 2019

Covid-19 Shutdown

The company temporarily shut down offices and research center
March-July 2020

US Patent Awarded

Apparatus and Method for Creating Small Focus Deep Hyperthermia in Tissues of the Brain
August 2020

Remote Workforce

Mandated work from home during Covid Lockdown temporarily delays progress
July 2020 - May 2021
Fully functional prototype ready for clinical trials
Q4 2021

ESHO Presentation

Physicist Dr. Dario Rodriguez presents work at the European Society of Hyperthermic Oncology
September 2023

NIH Grant Application

Proposal for a NIH grant Animal Study of the Hal.o Applicator
Q4 2023

Animal Study

Testing applicator on Mini Pig
Q1 2024

Phase 1 Study

Phase 1 clinical human study at the University of Maryland
Q4 2024

Phase II Study

Clinical Phase II efficacy study at the University of Maryland, US and Samsung Medical Hospital in Seoul, Korea
Q2 2026