Now in the second phase of product development, the Hal.o NIR (Non-Ionizing Radiotherapy) uses MR guidance, to non-invasively reach solid tumors of the brain and potentially challenge the amyloid plaque build-up found in patients with Alzheimer's and associated dementia. NIR is a non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical, non-invasive treatment using a form of cell penetrating radiotherapy that can reach the center of the brain.
Numerical modeling demonstrates the systems ability to focus and steer a 2.1cm x 1.2 cm ellipsoidal focal pattern at any depth of the brain. Applied to solid tumors, the system increases the radiosensitivity of the tumor. By focusing on the hippocampus, we believe we can reverse atrophy and restart the production of healthy neurons in order to delay or prevent brain degradation associated with Alzheimer's and dementia diseases.